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AI is changing the business world


Posted on June 20, 2024



Event Management

Including Business Events

Here are some of the major ways AI is affecting our industry:

  • It makes booking online more personal.
  • It speeds up the application process.
  • It improves access to event lighting, special effects, and digital light projections.

Keep reading to find out how AI is transforming both the business world and business events today, and what experts think will happen next.

AI in The Business World

Artificial intelligence in business is more than just a technological upgrade—it is a transformative force across all sectors of the business world. From automating mundane tasks to enhancing decision-making processes, AI is helping businesses increase efficiency and innovate at scale. 

For instance, in retail, AI is used for managing inventory and personalising shopping experiences, while in finance, it powers algorithms for risk assessment and fraud detection. The versatility of AI applications is helping businesses streamline operations and deliver better customer experiences

How AI is Changing The Way People Work

AI is starting to change how many of us work. According to a report from the McKinsey Institute, AI might handle 60 to 70 per cent of the 30% of our work in the future. AI is good at repetitive tasks that follow a set process. It can handle small jobs or big projects like processing lots of data. It can also help design things, create visuals, and assist in making decisions—things we didn't expect from AI before.

  • Accountants use AI to predict cash flow, spot unusual transactions, and help with financial forecasts.
  • Many new companies use AI chatbots and callbots to improve customer service outside normal hours and to filter leads.
  • Marketers use AI to create content and marketing materials like videos and images.
  • In IT, a new field has emerged where businesses use AI to speed up their development and operations workflow, called AIOps.

Yet, many people still don't know much about AI, despite its growing use.

AI's Impact on Booking Events

AI is revolutionising how we book and manage events. AI chatbots can handle questions and manage bookings, saving time for anyone organising large events like conferences. These tools offer personalised recommendations and streamline services. For example, our AI-powered client portal lets you check availability, compare venues, book, pay, and manage all aspects of your event booking online with smart suggestions. 

However, the technology needs to be matched by a great in-person experience. If the booking process is smooth but the venue and support are lacking, the technology investment won't be worth it.

Enhancing On-Site Event Experiences with AI

It's often the small details that make an event engaging. AI can enhance live events by managing the room's environment, like adjusting temperature, lighting, and adding digital projections and audio effects. This can add drama and excitement to your corporate events. Advanced AI systems can also provide real-time feedback on attendee engagement levels, allowing organisers to make instant adjustments to the atmosphere to retain morale and focus.

AI in a Hospitality Trade Show

In hospitality trade shows, AI can revolutionise participant engagement and operational efficiency. AI-driven solutions can manage scheduling, provide real-time updates to attendees, and use data analytics to match vendors with the right buyers. Interactive AI features such as virtual reality tours of venues and augmented reality menus can also provide immersive experiences that captivate. In these ways, AI can expand the capabilities of businesses and organisations to put on the best show and presentation of their ideas, to capture and connect with a wide range of audiences.

AI Across Different Events

AI for Hybrid Events

In hybrid events, where participants attend both in-person and virtually, AI can create a seamless experience. AI-driven tools can synchronise content delivery across different platforms, ensuring that remote participants can interact with onsite activities. AI can also facilitate networking by suggesting virtual meet-ups based on participant interests and behaviours, enhancing connectivity across both realms.

AI in Virtual Events

For entirely virtual settings, such as online conferences or exams, AI can transform the user experience by providing personalised learning paths, adaptive testing mechanisms, and real-time feedback. AI-enhanced virtual environments can simulate physical presence, making interactions more engaging and effective.

Streamlining Event Administration with AI

AI can automate many routine tasks like sending invitations, tracking RSVPs, and reporting after events. This frees up time for event managers to focus on creative ideas or building relationships with important people like presenters, sponsors, and exhibitors. While AI can suggest people you might want to meet at an event, the real value comes from the in-person networking and conversations.

Adapting to Change in Event Management

Technology is always changing, and events need to keep up while focusing on the audience and delivering value. When using technology, consider how it enhances the overall experience for attendees. Technology should be a tool to help achieve your event goals and give your audience a useful, insightful, and engaging experience. Our team is dedicated to ensuring your next event is a five-star experience.

What Jobs Can AI Not Replace

Despite AI's profound impact, there are jobs it is unlikely to replace—those requiring human empathy, creativity, and complex interpersonal interactions. Professions in mental health, social work, arts, and higher-level strategic decision-making rely heavily on human traits such as empathy, moral judgement, and inspirational leadership. These roles illustrate the limitations of AI in replicating the nuanced human capacity for emotional intelligence and creative problem-solving.

Using AI Ethically

As AI becomes more common, all of us must use it responsibly and fairly. This means being transparent about data use, ensuring AI doesn't increase biases, and considering its impact on society. It's about using powerful tools responsibly.

The Future of AI in Business and Hospitality

As AI technology evolves, its integration in business and event management will deepen, offering new tools to personalise and streamline experiences. Staying abreast of these advancements is crucial for industry professionals aiming to leverage AI to enhance their strategies and operations. 

Embracing AI allows businesses and event organisers to deliver more engaging, efficient, and personalised experiences, meeting the high expectations of modern clients and attendees. Contact our team at Cliftons to discover how the latest AI technologies can make your next event a standout success.

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Event Solutions

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