Posted on April 3, 2020
Event Management
In the space of a few short weeks, employees have suddenly found themselves working from home for the foreseeable future, with little ability to meet in person or travel beyond their region. To adapt to the world of working online, it’s about looking at your everyday office interactions (taken for granted a short time ago) and substituting them with an appropriate digital alternative.
For simple interactions, this is already well within most businesses’ capabilities. Most already use some sort of team chat tool, digital project management platforms or video conferencing for everyday team communication. The challenge, however, comes in when you start to look at appropriate digital means of delivering more complex events.
Events like training, town halls or board meetings mandate a more involved digital transition.
For these events, professionalism is obligatory. More advanced setups are required, lighting fast internet speed is non-negotiable, and the platform and technology required to run the event (particularly for training) will likely need to be more sophisticated with support available.
For such cases, it is wiser to turn to a provider who can manage the technical requirements for you. This way, all that is required on your part is to ensure your presenter safety in a professional, technology-equipped studio environment. The rest of your attendees join online. That’s where Cliftons Studio comes in.
Cliftons Studio is a solution created to empower businesses to present impeccable digital events and training, with minimal impact to quality and event experience.
So, what is it exactly?
The ‘studio’ is a professional place to base your presenter or meeting host for online events. Offered in every Cliftons venue across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, your host has a secure corporate environment to present from. It is inclusive of the technology that’s just not possible in a home office environment.
From equipment for live streaming to virtual training, video conferences, fast secure internet, onsite IT support and credible corporate space, the experience is incomparable to what can be achieved from a laptop in your living room.
Live training and online distance education with virtual classrooms
Live streaming
Video conferencing
Remote management meetings
About Cliftons
Event Solutions
If you’re ready to start bringing your event plans to life, talk to our
team to discuss your goals.
Start with a no-obligation chat about what you want to achieve, and our team can guide you through the services we offer.